Tuesday, June 21, 2016


How to install widgets on a website

To make the widgets appear on your website you will need to install GetSiteControl code to your site. Don't worry, you need to do this only once to be able to create and manage widgets from your dashboard. Here are the steps to add GetSiteControl code to your website:

Step 1 

Sign in to your account on www.getsitecontrol.com. If you do not yet have an account, create one, it is free.

Step 2

Click the Site settings link at the top of the page and switch to the Install tab.
Alternatively, you can click on the Install button in the bar that will show up at the top of your dashboard as soon as you sign in.

Step 3

You will see a window with a piece of code in it:
Press the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the provided code.

Step 4

Open the code of your website and find the closing </body> tag at the bottom:
Add widget code before the </body> tagPaste the code you have copied from GetSiteControl right before the </body> tag as shown above. Then save the changes.
That’s it. Now you are ready to create your first widget.



About Author

Naveed Iqbal

Naveed is freelance web designer. He loves to play with javaScript and other programming codes.